Saturday 17 April 2010

Week 15 - 8th to 14th April - Layout

We went to visit Gran K in Sanquhar for the day. It's always nice to go down there where it's so quiet and all the country air. I love being on the train too! We saw lots of little baby lambs too! Being a city boy Christopher was really excited!

Of course a visit to see Gran K needs to include the infamous Monkey Puzzle Tree!!! I don't know how the game started but all the grandkids play it! When they see the tree the must shout "Monkey Puzzle Tree" and the first to do so wins!

Week 14 - 1st to 7th April - LAyout

We got a table and chairs a while back and the plan was always to eventually get the livingroom sorted out with a smaller desk and move the big one into Christopher's room to make space for the dining table here. So this week we got it moved through and hooked him up with a PC of his own (my old one!) He's a geek in training that one!

Friday 16 April 2010

March in review Layout

Week 13 Layout - "Out to Lunch!"

Week 13 - 25th to 31st March 2010

I've gotten kind of behind with my scrapping over the Easter break. So I'm going to catch up in a kinda double April post tomorrow!! This week we finally found out what benefits we are eligilbe for becasue of Christopher's disability. I'm now at a stage where we HAVE money. We even booked a holiday! Just a long weekend t Legoland but a holiday none the less! To thank robert's family for all the support and financial assistance over the years we took them all to Christopher's favourite chinese buffet for lunch! So that's my layout this week! We also took him to see Clash of the Titans at the movies!

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